Raccourcis personnalisés

Vincent Douce

pour un TeXmacs très efficace en cours privés distanciels

Table des matières

(0) méthode 1

1.mode texte : lettres répétées 1

triples 1

quadruples 1

2.mode maths : lettres répétées 1

doubles marchent pas 2

doubles 2

triples 2

3.mode maths : symboles divers 2

4.mode maths AZ : codes un peu plus longs 2

5.Exports automatised 2

6.Mode texte AZ : gros codes 2

7.Explications du code Scheme ?

(0) méthode

1.mode texte : lettres répétées


e e e
p p p
r r r
s s s


code R

bloc R



= = = =

ligne fine

2.mode maths : lettres répétées

doubles marchent pas
d d puis g g


entre [crochets] : explication de pourquoi il faut laisser libre le raccourci

a a
b b

b b

c c
e e
f f
i i
l l
m m
n n




e xpo



( )


p p

p p

r r

r r

s s
t t
v v
x x





doubles encore libres : h,j,k,o,u,y,z


entre [crochets] : explication de pourquoi il faut laisser libre le raccourci

i i i

i i i

v v v


+ toutes les majuscules, en double : 𝔸 ou en triple : 𝒜𝒵.

3.mode maths : symboles divers

Un certain nombre de dx avec les combinaisons d x

puis :


= =

































(le dernier tableau ne marche qu'en thème Styx.)

4.mode maths AZ : codes un peu plus longs

5.Exports automatised

trois raccourcis :

6.Mode texte AZ : gros codes

7.Explications du code Scheme


TeXmacs loads the definitions in its own files when it needs them, not at startup–-

you can look it up in Section 1.4 of the Scheme developer manual : The module system and lazy definitions.

where to find it ?

If you define in your files something that also TeXmacs defines, TeXmacs definition might be executed _after_ your definition and overwrite it. Because of this, you force the loading of the TeXmacs definitions before your own, then you overwrite it with your own, and in this way TeXmacs will not execute its own anymore and will not overwrite yours.

I do not know :-)


let is a construct which defines a scope, that is a portion of the program where some variables take values that are valid in that portion only.

In (let ((img (tree-search-upwards (cursor-tree) 'image))) one defines img as the value of (tree-search-upwards (cursor-tree) 'image), which I think (I did not check) is the closest tree, searching upwards from the cursor, whose tag is image—since you just copied an image, TeXmacs will have created one (this is again guessing, but the function works, so it may be good guessing) and you will find the one TeXmacs just created. Now that you hold the tree, you have to change its leaves, and you do that with the tree-set! instructions.

The exclamation mark in the name of the function is a hint that the function will change already-existing variables—naming functions in this way is a custom of Scheme; the ones without exclamation mark according to the custom do not change any already-defined variable. One can violate the custom and if they do so may confuse someone else.

In (let ((q "0.866"))) : the structure is a quoted expression, which remains equal to itself after evaluation. So TeXmacs never sees the value of q, sees the symbol q and does not know what to do with it.

You have to let Scheme know that you want to evaluate q. You do it in the following way:

quasiquote ‘
unquote ,